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Expert Witness Code 0467
Professional Summary:

This Ph.D. is a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at a major and prominent Institute & State University.  He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. from MIT in 1969.  He began his career at Charles Stark Draper Laboratories and he spent over ten years at Westinghouse in various product design and manufacturing departments before returning to academia.  In 1986 he received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and then taught there for eight years before coming to his current University. His 40 years of research experience in industry and academia have included the development and teaching of integrated design-manufacturing methods, and the design and development of advanced automation equipment and robotics.  He holds 16 US patents, has published over 175 papers in various international technical journals and conference proceedings, and drives a 1975 Morris Mini.  Among his many inventions is his Wire Harness Flexible Manufacturing System; one of the industry’s first CAD driven systems producing finished wiring assemblies from raw materials.  Early in his career, he pioneered the development master/slave remote robot systems for the nuclear service industry.  He invented a Design for Assembly calculator and developed a quantification of Dexterity.  His current research interests include energy-efficient design-manufacturing systems for machining, assembly,and advanced robotics.  He has advised the SAE Formula Racing Team and chaired the EFO Executive Committee.  He is a Professional Engineer, and member of ASME.


§ Manufacturing Sciences: metalworking theory and practice, foundry technology, quality design

§  Mechatronics: custom process controls, sensor/actuatorscience, system design

§  Minimally Invasive Surgery: lumen-guided and free-space “snake” robotics, patented laparoscopics

§  Robotics: quantified high-dexterity assembly methods, mobile systems

§ Technical Patent Consultant: electromechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanisms, manufacturing

Additional Information:
  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
  • S.B.-S.M., Mechanical Engineering (combined degree) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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