
Our Web Site database contains the biographical summaries of hundreds of World-Class Experts®. Please select a technology category to access those Experts who best fit your requirements.

Please use the drop-down menu below to view and select biographical summaries of NEWN subject-matter Experts. The results are categorized by technology classification, and the information is derived directly from our Experts' CVs.

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NEWN Highlights

Optics a& Photonics
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Optics & Photonics
NEWN has a depth of expertise to deal with virtually every aspect of optics and photonic technology, including CCD, Laser, LCD and related technologies.  Select from over 60 categories of technology and the over 2,600 sub-categories of specific technical disciplines to locate those Experts best suited to your requirements.

Need assistance?  Call or Email a NEWN Case Manager today.

"Your Expert's testimony was cited prominently in the court's analysis of the copyright issues in the appeal. His testimony was instrumental in an injunction that had been issued against his client being vacated and remanded to the district court."
