Expert Witness Code 1445
Professional Summary: This expert witness has over forty-years of industry and academic experience with a focus on data storage technology with a focus on disk drive architecture and systems. He has designed hardware and software products. He has been an independent consultant for fifteen years providing product design and analysis services with a focus on disk drive technology. He is an experienced expert witness who has participated in numerous intellectual property disputes, and has testified at deposition and trial. |
Expertise: - Assembler Machine Code
- Computer Interface Technology
- Floppy Disk Drive Controller Technology
- Microcontrollers
- Microprocessor Technology
- Object-Oriented Code and Languages
- PC BIOS and Buss Architectures
- Rigid Hard Disk Controller Technology
- Windows, IBM, RISC and UNIX OS Architectures
Additional Information: Expert Witness Services: - Copyright Infringement
- Expert Witness Reports
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Intellectual Property
- Markman Hearing
- Patent Litigation
- Prior Art Research
- Product Liability
- Product Warranty
- Technical Consultant
- Theft of Trade Secrets
To Hire This Expert call 1-866-873-7890 (Ext. 220) or
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