Professional Summary: This Ph.D. is the J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, a Philip Baugh Scholar, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at a prominent U.S. University. She has been at there for six years, and previously served for 14 years on the ECE faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology, as the Pettit Chaired Professor of Optoelectronics. At Georgia Tech, she was Research Director of the NSF ERC in Electronic Packaging Research, and a researcher in the Microelectronics Research Center and the Georgia Tech Broadband Institute. She is the Executive Director of the Duke University Shared Materials Instrumentation Cleanroom and Characterization Shared Facility, and a researcher in the Duke University Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics. Her research work focuses on design, fabrication, and test of integrated nanosystems and microsystems with an emphasis on photonics and micro/nano integration for medical, environmental, and security sensing systems, imaging, semiconductor devices, metamaterials, and telecommunications systems. This Ph.D. is an IEEE Fellow, an Optical Society of America Fellow, and a Hewlett Packard Fellow. She has published over 225 refereed journal and conference publications, and is a named inventor on six patents. |