Professional Summary: This Expert Witness has over 40 years of experience in designing, building, managing, and deploying embedded systems, especially real-time systems. He has extensive background in areas such as software performance, real-time architecture, software design,implementation, and deployment, standards, software engineering maturity, and software organization. He is frequently involved in software and systems engineering reviews and audits, overcoming obstacles as well as in identifying and mitigating software and system risks. He is currently leading a new standard development for Safety Critical Java Technology. His clients include over 25 companies and agencies, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Raytheon Corporation, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Baxter International,and Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle).
He has also a significant background in hardware design, implementation, interfaces, and control. He has held a First Class Radio telephone License (now called a General Radiotelephone License) for over 40 years, and has worked with RF applications as well as digital and analog electronics throughout that period. While he has concentrated more on software and systems design and implementation, his understanding of hardware, including communications protocols, interface mechanisms, and control mechanisms has proven to be critical to the success of many major systems. Dr. Locke has worked closely with chip designers and circuit designers on a number of systems,working with VHDL and related specification languages. |