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Expert Witness Code 6033
Professional Summary:

This Expert Witness is a practicing real-time software engineer with a strong background in communication protocols, avionics, airborne software safety and the Java and Ada programming languages.  He is a contributor at the industry level to international standards including DO-178C - Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, used around the world by certification authorities such as the FAA, Transport Canada and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).  He is currently active in the development of the Air Ground Information Exchange (AGIE) protocol for communication involving civil aircraft, and the Managment of Air Ground Information Communications (MAGIC) for the standards organization ARINC.

He has a strong background in real-time software issues, especially real-time communications and embedded software systems ranging from financial communication protocols to global positioning satellite (GPS) receivers.  While at Sun Microsystems, he was part of the team porting the Java Virtual Machine to real-time embedded systems.  Additionally, he has been an active developer of Java-based web applications, an area of expertise for which he has been an expert witness on two cases, the most recent of which resulted in a $26 million verdict in favor of his client.

He has been an instructor at the college level in programming, software engineering and the Unix operating system.


§         Airborne communication protocols, e.g. ARINC 829

§         Financial Network Protocols

§         Java Programming for Web-Based Applications

§         Programming Languages, including Ada, Java and C++

§         Real-time software techniques

§         Safety critical software and standards for compliance, including DO-178C and DO-332

§         Software Engineering Best Practices

§         Software Simulation of Avionics

Additional Information:

M.Sc., Computer Systems Engineering

B.S., Information and Computer Science  

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