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Expert Witness Code 7612
Professional Summary:

This Ph.D. is a hands-on technologist with an engineering, manufacturing and IT background. He expanded his focus to capital markets over the last decade.  His academic credentials include faculty positions at the Northwestern University (school of engineering and Kellogg School of Management) and the department of computer science at the University of Chicago.

His expert witness experience involves theft of IP,corporate and IP valuations, and determination of reasonable royalties.  He prepared the expert witness reports for his past cases.  His testimonies included cross examination and a debate with the defendants' expert witness.  The debate was structured and moderated by the arbitration judge.

A potential new case involves patent violations for engine manufacturing technology, which leverages his advisory work to leading automotive manufacturers such as International Truck and Engine, Caterpillar, Mercedes-Benz and Detroit Diesel.


§  Analytics: load balancing & dynamic routing across cloud servers, system throughput optimization, high speed data analysis, complex event processing, real-time dynamic controls, event-driven scheduling.

§  Automotive, construction equipment, electronics, energy, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, logistics.

§  Capital markets: business models, technologies, trading strategies, algorithms, intellectual property and software development for matching engines, algorithmic and high frequency trading systems (HFT), low latency execution, smart order routing, anti-gaming, exchanges and trading platforms in cash and derivative markets.

§  Conference participation: invited speaker and panelist at numerous conferences organized by IOSCO, Futures Industry Association, Taifex, Eurex, Grupo BMV, Princeton Quant Trading, Object Management Group, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, etc.

§  Information technology: object-oriented architectures, distributed systems, publish and subscribe architectures; cloud computing, hardware acceleration with FPGA and GPU.

§  Manufacturing & supply chain automation: supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), system simulation.

§  Product engineering: electronic and mechanical components design and testing in electronics and engine engineering.

§  Worldwide deployments: USA, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil, The United Kingdom, Japan, China, Singapore, India, France, Germany and Turkey.

Additional Information:
  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering - Syracuse University
  • M.S., Computer Engineering - Syracuse University
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering - Bogazici University, Istanbul

     Litigation Support Experience

  • Expert reports
  • Testimony in disputes in intellectual property, trade secrets, operating and employment agreements in finance, information technology
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