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Expert Witness Code 8055
Professional Summary:

This Ph.D. is an internationally known scientist whose research interests include study of the effect of the dynamic loading on human locomotion system,modeling cell behavior on various surfaces and application of the experimental optical methods to problems in opto-electronic packaging. He is a recipient of a M. Hetenyi Award from the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis for the most significant research paper published in Experimental Mechanics, Brewer Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM),which recognizes an “Outstanding Practicing Stress Analyst” and a Certificate of Recognition from NASA for “the creative development of a technical innovation.”  He was elected as an“Academic Adviser” by the Presidents of the International Academy of Science, Russia “in recognition of the significant scientific achievements in the solution of the engineering problems of mechanics.”  He was one of the pioneers in the use of externally attached small-weight accelerometers for non-invasive, in-vivo measurements of the gait induced impact waves.  The obtained data was used for monitoring the training intensity, understanding the effects of fatigue on the ability of the human musculo-skeletal system to attenuate and dissipate shock waves, to measure the attenuational capacity of the knee joint, to name a few of the applications.  His consulting work led to the development of a range of industrial instruments used for automated analysis of residual stresses in glass products, TV tubes, and compact disks.

This Expert was on a faculty of Iowa State University, Ames, IA (1979-1984) and is currently on faculty of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics and Bioengineering Program at Lehigh University, where he teaches mechanics and biomechanics graduate and undergraduate courses.  During this period he supervised over 25 visiting scientists and 15 MS and PhD students. He is one of three organizers of an International Workshop on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (participation is by invitation only).  He was elected Full Professor of the Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2009.  He served as a consultant and expert witness for several forensics cases dealing with the performance of the micro-electronics devices and injuries due to the vehicle accidents.  


?  Bioengineering

? Biomechanics

? Biomedical ImageProcessing

? Cellular Imaging

? ExperimentalMechanics

? ExperimentalStress Analysis

?  On-line Optical Quality control

? OpticalMeasurement

?  Photomechanics

Additional Information:
  • Ph.D., Experimental Mechanics
  • Diploma, Engineer-Physicist in Solid State Physics
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