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Expert Witness Code 9411
Professional Summary:

This Expert Witness is an Electrical and Computer Engineer with over ten years of professional experience.  He has a Masters of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. In addition, as a practicing engineer, he completed courses in the area of Computer Science. Currently, he is consulting as a technical expert, assisting with document and software review in various patent infringement cases.

Previously, he was a compiler engineer at Freescale Semiconductor. In that role, he collaborated with the hardware team on the design of future Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technologies, implemented and tested new features in the compiler and formally evaluated new technologies for potential use. Prior to that, he held various applications engineer roles, all in the area of DSP. In those roles, he implemented algorithms on various processors and improved software efficiency. Additionally, he travelled extensively domestically and internationally to present technical training to clients on DSP architecture, C programming and Assembly programming and to support clients with their use of the technology.


§  Cellular (3G, LTE)

§ CompilerTechnology

§ Digital Signal Processing (DSP) (algorithms, implementation, optimization)

§ Embedded Processors and Software (StarCore DSP, PowerPC, Texas Instruments DSP)

§ Programming Languages (C, Java, Perl, Matlab, Assembly)

§  Software Optimization

Additional Information:
  • Post Baccalaureate Studies, Columbia University
  • M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Minor in Business  
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